Medieval Age

When Fakhruddin Mubarak Shsh was the independent Sultan, the throne of Lakhnauti was captured by the commander Ali Mubarak. He took the title Aluddian Ali Shah on ascending the throne. He also built an independent kingdom in Lakhnauti. Later he shifted this capital to Pandua (Firozabad). Ali Shah remained in power up to 1342 A.D. Haji Ilias Shah his foster brother; Haji Ilias defeated and killed Ali Shah. He establish a new dynasty named Ilias Shahi Dynasty. After capturing whole Bengal, he declared independent of Bengal. At first the Sultans of Delhi did not accept the independent of Bengal. Sultan Firoz Shah Tughlak waged war against Ilias Shsh from November 1353 A.D. to September 1354 A.D. His attempt was to bring Bengal under the Delhi rule. He was not successful. He had to accept the independence of Bangal. He made friendship with Ilias Shsh and returned to Delhi. After the death of Sikander Shah, his son Giasuddin Azam Shah (1393 AD-1411 Ad) ascended on the throne of Bengla. He may be called the most popular Sultan of the age. There was not much of warfare during the rule of Azam Shah. Many traits of his character made him famous. Although he did not wage war against anyone, he could keep united the vast kingdom founded by his father and grandfather. He become famous in his history as an able ruler. He used to communicate with the Persian poet Hafiz through correspondence.


It is generally said that the two hundred years (1338 AD-1538 AD) of the history of Bengal was the period of Independent rule of the Muslim Sultans of Bengal. But, there was a short interval in the long period of two hundred years. After the death of Giasuddin Azam Shah, his son Saifuddin Hamza Shah ascended the throne. There was a conspiracy going on at that time to seize power. After having ruled for only one year, Saifuddind Hamza Shah was killed by his slave Shihabuddin Bayazid Shah. But in two years, he too, lost his life at the hands of conspirators. Taking advantage of it, a Hindu noble, Raja Ganesh assumed power in Bengal.


The greatest Sultan of the Hussain Shahi period was Alauddin Hussain Shsh (1493 AD-1519 AD). He belonged to the Syed family of Arabia. He came to Bengal with his father Syed Ashraf-Al-Hussain and brother Yusuf from Macca and began to live the village of Chandpara in Rahr. Later Hussain Shah went to hte capital Gaur and took up a job under Muzaffar Shah. He became a monister later. In tjis way, he obtained power in Bengal. Syed Hussain ascended the throne of Bengal after terminating the Slave Rule. He took the title Alauddin Hussain Shah on becoming the Sultan. The period of this Dynasty was the most successful one among the Sultans of independent Banga. Overall contribution of the Hussain Shahi Dynasty are-

  • Establishment of a new Dynasty nemed Hussain Shshi Dynasty
  • Expansion of thrie Dynasty
  • Good army chief and adminnistrator
  • Ensured Rule of law in Bengal
  • Making good relationship with Sultan's of Dhlhi
  • Changed capital Pundua to Akdala
  • Development of art, culture and education
  • Social Welfare
  • Proactive, Pragmatic and innovative
  • Gave high profile post for Hindu communities.




Battle of Palashi

 Palashi, the battle of war fought between Naeab Sirajuddaula and the East India Company on 23 June 1757. It lasted for about eight hours and the Nawab was defeated by the company because of the treachery of his leading general Mir Jafor. Palashi's political consequences were far-reaching and devastating and hence, thought a mere skirmish, it has been magnified into a battle. It laid the foundation of the British rule in Bengal. For the English East India Company, Bengal was the springboard from which the British expanded their territorial domain and subsequently built up the empire which gradually engulfed most parts of India and ultimately many parts of Asia as well.

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